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Fit For 2 Pro

Total Pregnancy Fitness

‘The A-Z One Stop Shop’ for all conceiving, pregnant
and postnatal women for fitness and health care.

Teaching YOU how to EMPOWER your journey’

Safely created by a midwife, fitness instructor and mum,

with contribution by a number of specialists in there fields.

Anita Guerra

Midwife and pregnancy postnatal fitness instructor

Bachelor of Nursing Division 1
Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery
Bachelor of Applied Science – Health Promotion
Certificate III in Fitness
Certificate IV in Personal Training
Freestyle Group Fitness Instructor
Swissball Training
Pilates Fitness Certificate
Gymstick Training for Muscle and Personal Training
First Aid / CPR / Working With Children

Hi my name is Anita Guerra and I’m the founder and owner of Fit For 2 – Total Pregnancy Fitness since 2010. I’m a busy mum of 2, Midwife and Nurse, Personal and Group Exercise Trainer and i specialise in Safe Pregnancy and Postnatal Exercise and Pelvic Floor Health for Women. I’m passionate about helping others with their health, wellness and fitness goals thru this special time in their lives. I love spending time with friends and family and building my own personal development to share more with others!!

I’ve been a Midwife now for over 10 years and I’ve always had a passion for health and wellness. While working at the hospital in the birth suite and the postnatal ward, I had an eye opening moment in 2010 when I was seeing so many women obese, increasing diabetes, high blood pressure, pregnancy complications, pelvic floor issues and being totally unfit and unprepared for labour and birth and a safe recovery period. So to help protect women i created Fit For 2.

My passion in life is to be a successful female entrepreneur and help and ensure women have an easier pregnancy, labour and birth and a quick and safe recovery period with the correct exercises, nutrition, mindset, research guidelines and support. And most importantly to protect YOUR Pelvic Floor!!

After 10 years as a midwife, I had grown accustomed to seeing more and more women arrive at the birth suite unfit and virtually unprepared for labour and birth. The rise in pregnancy complications, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and pelvic floor issues were starting to get me down. I knew then (and I know now) that it is possible to ensure women have an easier pregnancy, labour and birth along with a quick and safe recovery period. So Fit For 2 was born.

It’s been running for 6 years in a leafy suburb of Melbourne Australia, but now it is time for more. It is time to reach beyond my suburban surrounds and take my program to pregnant women around the country and the world. It is time for World Domination (in the pregnancy support field)!

This is why I created FIT FOR 2 PRO – The ‘One Stop Shop’ for all conceiving, pregnancy and postnatal exercise, care and support.

Fit For 2 Pro is filled with correct and safe exercises, nutrition, mindset, research guidelines, support and more. And most important, ways to protect your Pelvic Floor from the trials of carrying a baby!!

Fit For 2 PRO will guide you through 3 important chapters – Conceiving, Pregnancy and Postnatal.

Each chapter will allow you to exercise safely with Resistance training, Pilates and Yoga all focused around Pelvic Floor Safe Exercises.

We will teach you how to correctly activate your Pelvic Floor so you don’t become a statistic with our Women’s Health Physio and teach you to protect your abdominal muscles from separation and life-long complications.

Each chapter of your journey will be guided by a meditation to create a positive mindset so you can connect with your body and your baby!!

Our team of experts will teach you the fundamentals which are important throughout your journey from conceiving to motherhood.

You will be supported, loved and guided through each special moment even if you hate your pregnancy!!

Fit For 2 PRO online will leave you feeling fulfilled, energised, relaxed, positive and fit to conquer your pregnancy, labour and or birth and create a safe and rewarding recovery period into motherhood.

I’m a mum of 2 young beautiful kids. I had my daughter Nicco in 2012 and my son Alex in 2015!!
I suffered from nausea for 22 weeks with both and Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) with both, quite severe with my son.
I was determined that SPD was not going to drag me down…..
I focused on my exercise program and attended the hydro pool.
I wore the SRC pregnancy shorts to stabilise and reduce pain.
I worked the whole way through until I gave birth…
I ensured my mindset was positive by staying active and eating as well as I could.
I hated my second pregnancy for the pain, BUT I am thankful I pushed myself with the correct fitness, mindset, and motivation as it gave me the best birth and recovery experience possible.
I know that YOU can prepare yourself for the same with the right education, mindset, and motivation from me and my team of experts.
I wish I had a program like this when I was pregnant and learning to be a new mum. I may be a Midwife but we never know everything!!
I want to provide to women what I didn’t have and more. Women need to feel empowered, loved and supported all the way through this precious journey…

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