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Fit For 2 Pro

Total Pregnancy Fitness

‘The A-Z One Stop Shop’ for all conceiving, pregnant
and postnatal women for fitness and health care.

Teaching YOU how to EMPOWER your journey’

Safely created by a midwife, fitness instructor and mum,

with contribution by a number of specialists in there fields.

Rebecca Duffield

Yoga Instructor

Bachelor of Psychology
Masters Degree Human Rights
Psychotherapist & Hypnotherapist accredited.
YOGA: Anusara 500 hour trained yoga instructor.
Tantra 500 hour trained yoga instructor.

I am Bec, an Anusara and Tantra trained Yoga Teacher, with over 15 years of yoga experience. These different trainings create a complimentary balance between alignment, physicality, and the nature of energy and spiritual elements of yoga. I have a background in Psychotherapy and healing which allows me to meet my students where they are, on and off the mat. My aim is for you to have an experience of embodiment – to cease from dwelling in the past or projecting in the future and to land momentarily in the here and now, and connect to it, through the body. Through yoga we cultivate a relationship with our bodies; learning to listen, to understand, to nurture and to love them. Our bodies are full of information, and the moment we start to listen, they start to talk. As creators, givers and sustainers of life, I see women’s bodys as the most miraculous and cherished things on earth. Learning to tap into their power, trust in their divinity and worship their gifts is one of the many blessings of pregnancy. The rapid and incredible changes the female form undergoes whilst creating life can be overwhelming and sometimes scary. My aim is to guide you to step fully into your power, trust your body and sink into this unique time.

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